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Paysage inconnu

  • Duration: 1 h
  • France
  • For all
  • 1113 vues

Conceived by Josef Nadj as a quartet, Paysage inconnu evokes the poetic power of nature, the landscape and the indelible power of human interactions with primal, animal forces.

An unspoilt plain of clay-rich soil, an imperturbable backdrop inflected by the changing of the seasons, an unknown and incomplete landscape confronted with the fragility of the present moment, the permanent mutation of nature, the tumult of creation, the poetry of disappearance and the vestiges left behind, imagined fluctuations in life and the sensory world…
That landscape is Vojvodine, a Hungarian enclave in modern-day Serbia. A magical place close to the choreographer’s heart (he was born in nearby Kanjiza, on the banks of the Tisza), whose extraordinary landscape – along with the benign influence of the deep, mysterious friendships it nurtures – remains an incomparable source of creative inspiration. This unknown, seemingly unfinished landscape is the subject of Josef Nadj’s paean, crafted with the help of dancer Ivan Fatjo and musicians Akosh S. and Gildas Etevenard

Distribution and legal informations

  • Choreography/Stage design: Josef Nadj
  • Performers: Josef Nadj, Ivan Fatjo
  • Music composed and performed by: Akosh S., Gildas Etevenard
  • Lighting: Christian Scheltens assisted by Lionel Colet
  • Sound design: Jean-Philippe Dupont
  • Costumes: Aleksandra Pešic 
  • Stage dressing: Julien Fleureau, Clément Dirat
  • Produced by: Centre chorégraphique national d’Orléans (Director of Production Michel Chialvo)
  • Coproduced by: Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco (Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea); Onésimo González, Guadalajara/Mexique; L’Odyssée/Festival MIMOS

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2014
