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  • Duration: 25 min
  • Belgium
  • For all
  • 1057 vues

Cie Mossoux-Bonté

False pretences, ambiguities, double meanings… Mossoux/Bonté have perfected the delicate art of suggestion in shows on the borderline between theatre and dance.

Two bears engage in a pas de deux, attempting a conceptual version of the art of dance. A gunshot, the representation is a disaster, one of the bears falls to the floor. But we mustn't count our chickens before they're hatched… The "beast" rises up and resumes its dance as another gunshot floors the other bear. And so on.

Behind this apparently childish entertainment, the company's bitter-sweet allegory of the abyss of identity, the fact of being exposed in plain sight, like dancers and artists.


It is not difficult to see an animal metaphor for the condition of the artist in general and the dancer in particular.

Distribution and legal informations

Design: Nicole Mossoux and Karine Pontiès
Direction/Choreography: Nicole Mossoux, Karine Pontiès
Lighting/Music/Sound: Patrick Bonté
Scenography: Mikha Wajnrych
Costumes: Colette Huchard
Production: Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté
Coproduction: SACD / Festival d'Avignon; Festival International Bellone Brigittines; Dame de Pic / Compagnie Karine Pontiès
With the support of: the Ministry of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation; the French Community Commission; COCOF ; CGRI

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2007

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